Figure of Hebe (Primary Title)
After a marble sculpture by, Antonio Canova, Italian, 1757 - 1822 (Artist)
Paul Storr, English, 1771 - 1844 (Marked by)
Hebe, goddess of youth and daughter of Zeus and Hera, is shown here as cup-bearer to the gods. Canova executed four monumental versions of the figure of Hebe in marble. Storr’s silver version maintains the elegant classicism of the original, and is a unique example of silver on this scale.
Jerome and Rita Gans Collection of English Silver
2018: Collecting for the Commonwealth Preserving for the Nation, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1919-2018, Winter Antiques Show, Park Avenue Armory, New York City, NY, January 18 - 26, 2018.
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