Qin Opera of Qin Xianglian (Translation)
秦劇秦香蓮告狀圖 近現代 王西京 紙本設色
(Primary Title)
Wang Xijing 王西京, 1946- (Artist)
A pivotal moment in the famous Qin opera Qin Xianglian is depicted here by renowned painter Wang Xijing. Set in the Song dynasty, the play follows Xianglian (right), a woman whose husband leaves their family for a new wife. When confronted, the husband orders Xianglian killed, but her assassin refuses. Justice Bao (left), known for his unwavering honesty, orders Xianglian to present the assassin’s sword in court as proof of the attempted murder.
Chang'an style of painting
Mounted in renwu year (壬午, 1982)
Modern period (1912-present)
西京 Xijing
西京画印 Xijing huayin
庚申年寫, 秦劇秦香蓮告狀, 於京郊頤和園,西京 (Qin opera of Qin Xianglian, painted by Xijing in Summer Palace,the western suburb of Beijing in the gengshen year [1980])
Arthur and Margaret Glasgow Endowment and partial gift of Y.T. Bay 裴元俊 Collection
©artist or artist’s estate
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