Red Figure Head Vase in the Form of a Black African (Primary Title)
Red Figure Head Vase in the Shape of a Nubian (Alternate Title)
Head Vase in the Form of an Oinochoe (Wine Pitcher) (Primary Title)
Unknown (Artist)
This naturalistic image of a black African speaks to the diversity of the ancient Mediterranean world. A Greek artist living in southern Italy 2,300 years ago made this vase using a mold to form the head and a potter’s wheel for the foot, neck, and spout. Decorated vases like this wine pitcher were often used by Greeks at social gatherings (known as symposia) to spur conversations and reflection on the world around them.
The vase is in the form of an oinochoe (wine pitcher) with a trefoil spout. Its body is composed of a mold-made head of a black African with the addition of a handle and a wheel-made base, neck and mouth.
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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