Boy with a Straw Hat Waiting to March in a Pro-War Parade, New York City (Primary Title)
Diane Arbus, American, 1923 – 1971 (Artist)
Neil Selkirk, American, born England, 1947 (Printer)
Signed posthumously in blue ink within estate label, mount verso: "Doon Arbus".
"Diane Arbus Photograph" estate label affixed to mount verso, with blue ink inscriptions when noted with single quotations: " A Diane Arbus Photograph / title 'Boy with a straw hat waiting to march in a pro-war parade' / date: 'N.YC. 1967' / print by 'Neil Selkirk 1973' / 'Doon Arbus' "
Reproduction limitation stamp in black ink on print verso: "Not to be reproduced in anyway without written permission from Doon Arbus."
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
Signs of Protest: Photographs from the Civil Rights Era, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, January 11 - September 7, 2014
"Photographing People", VMFA, 13 May - 16 June 1980
"Photographing People", VMFA, 13 May - 16 June 1980
Selkrik, Neil. “In the Darkroom." In Diane Arbus: Revelations, 267- 274. New York: Random House, 2010.
©artist or artist’s estate
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