Black-figure Kylix (Cup) (Primary Title)
attributed to the, Virginia Painter (Artist)
This is the “name piece” of the Virginia Painter, meaning that it exemplifies the work of this artist whose real name is unknown. The rider carries two spears and wears a traveler’s cloak, which was once decorated with zigzag patterns (still faintly visible). This cloak and the faithful hound loping beside him identify the rider as a hunter rather than an armored warrior.
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
“The Horse in Ancient Greek Art,” National Sporting Library and Museum, Middleburg, VA, September 7, 2017 – January 14, 2018; VMFA, February 17 – July 8, 2018
The Greek Line, Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1 – 29 October 1962
The Greek Line, Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1 – 29 October 1962
January 1962 (Herbert Cahn, Münzen und Medaillen, A.G., Basel); purchased by Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), Richmond; accessioned into VMFA collection January 17, 1962. [1]
[1] Information in VMFA Curatorial and Registration records.
[1] Information in VMFA Curatorial and Registration records.
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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