Students accepted into this program must attend a program orientation, 12 workshops (Oct – Jan), and the presentation day. There are additional requirements to complete the program and to graduate with a VMFA M.LiT (Museum Leaders in Training) Certificate, these requirements are outlined below:
The student must:
- Have an e-mail account and check it frequently
- Be able to use Microsoft Word, e-mail, Dropbox, Facebook, Google Drive and have basic internet research skills
- Attend all scheduled workshops and programs from October through January (orientation is mandatory)
- Notify Program Coordinator, 24 hours in advance of an absence
- Have transportation to and from the M.LiT sessions (If you are concerned about transportation, contact the Program Coordinator)
- Be punctual and participate fully in each session
- Practice appropriate behavior for the museum and classroom setting that is respectful to instructors, peers, VMFA trainings, and program objectives
- Attend 36 hours of M.LiT training
- Complete research and work for the program outside of class time
- Complete 20 hours of Summer Assistantships at VMFA
- Turn in required homework assignments by the assigned deadline
- Learn to talk about the VMFA collection with your peers
- Turn in all M.LiT assignments to designated instructor and Program Coordinators
- Allow your peers and museum staff to evaluate your progress
- Be receptive to constructive criticism and demonstrate willingness to change as needed

Student Conduct
M.LiT students will be allowed no more than 2 absences total of which no more than 1 may be unexcused. An unexcused absence occurs when the participant neglects to provide the program coordinator with a detailed explanation for the planned absence at least 24 hours before the date of the class/program. Unexpected illness is an exception. Routine tardiness will accumulate to equal an absence. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in dismissal from the program. *Scheduling conflicts can be discussed with the program coordinator.
Please note that all absences are counted in the total number allowed; this includes planned vacation time, scheduled school programs or sporting events, testing, etc.
Behavior Model
Students are asked to adhere to the following program rules and will be required to sign-off on a student/teacher contract during the program orientation.
- Students will safely care for themselves and other students, staff, teachers, and VMFA guests through proper use of art materials and equipment while in the studios, training spaces, and the museum galleries. Students agree to fully participate in the set-up and clean-up of materials and spaces. Students agree to always wear the proper safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, and aprons, when handling materials. Students also agree to follow all rules, pay close attention, and act carefully when handling materials so as not to harm themselves, classmates, and/or instructors. If students, or another student, accidentally, or purposefully, use the materials in a careless or harmful manner, students will inform an instructor.
- Be courteous and respectful to staff, teachers, and other students.
- Understand the program schedule and plan to attend all required training sessions on the scheduled days from Oct through Jan. (Attendance is mandatory. If you are unable to attend a session you must notify the program coordinator in advance of your anticipated absence.)
- Be punctual. Tardiness may accumulate to equal a full absence.
- Participate by following instructions, actively engaging in discussions, and remaining in/with the class until dismissal by the teacher.
- Cooperate in all activities.
- Do not to bring to VMFA any item that would or could endanger people, or property, or that are illegal.
(This includes weapons, matches, lighters, pocket knives, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
- Students are also expected to fill out all sign-in and sign-out sheets with correct and up-to-date information. Students are not to sign-in/sign-out for another student. Students and parents are also to familiarize themselves with the pick-up policy and guidelines which are as follows: by initialing the sign-in/sign-out sheet, it verifies that you understand the following:
Disclaimer: The VMFA is not responsible for the supervision of students upon class conclusion. Students are not to leave campus between classes. Anyone under 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult for sign-in and sign-out procedures. Early dismissals are not permitted without a written note from a parent/guardian.
Failure to meet VMFA rules and expectations results in the following consequences:
1st offense
VMFA Program Coordinator speaks with the student about inappropriate behavior or failure to meet program requirements.
2nd offense
VMFA Program Coordinator meets with parent and/or guardian and student. Student is asked to write a letter explaining his or her understanding of appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
3rd offense
Student is permanently dismissed from the M.LiT program.

Especially for Students
In the requirements, you will notice that you are expected to spend time outside of the VMFA training sessions completing research and assignments. This means that you will occasionally have some homework. We understand that school work is your first priority; therefore, most of your assignments will be completed during class time. Assignments are to be turned in by e-mail attachment or uploaded to Google Drive the day before your scheduled session unless otherwise noted on the workshop session agenda.
Writing Assignments:
- a title/header describing the assignment
- your first and last name followed by the date and assignment number on the top left corner of the page
- Times New Roman or Garamond font, size 12, double-spaced
- one-inch margins
- complete sentences
- correct spelling and grammar
- cited sources using The Chicago Manual Style (see provided resources)
Save your document with the using the following assignment submission format: MLiTFall17_LastNameFirstInitial_Assignment# (ex. MLiTFall17_DaltonA_Assignment1)
Digital Assignments:
- Images should be saved in JPEG or PNG file format
- Individual images should not exceed 5 MB
- Resize your images using your personal software such as Paint and Adobe Photoshop or use such online image resizing services as http://picresize.com/
Save images using the following submission format: MLiTFall17_LastNameFirstInitial_Assignment#_Image# (ex. MLiTFall17_DaltonA_Assignment1_1)
Service Learning: While participating in the program, you each have the opportunity to earn up to 70+ hours of community service. This includes your training hours, summer assistantship, and research hours. We categorize all these aspects of the program as service because they are essential to your role as contributors and as advisory council members. Contact the Teen Program Coordinator if you need a letter certifying your service.