Ansel Adams scholar Rebecca Senf recently published Making a Photographer: The Early Work of Ansel Adams, a new book on the acclaimed photographer that looks at the source of his lifelong investments in landscape and environmentalism. She will discuss how his early experiences connected him to the wilderness and how his decades of thinking about nature and photography led to the creation of his celebrated signature style. Her talk will feature his iconic images and lesser-known early works and will provide a sense of who Ansel Adams was and how that influenced who he came to be.

Mount Williamson, Sierra Nevada, from Manzanar, California, 1944, printed 1973-1975, Ansel Adams (American, 1902-1984), Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund, 75.29.2, © The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust
Get TicketsCost: $8 ($5 VMFA members)
Talk and Book Signing: Ansel Adams and the Natural Scene
with Dr. Rebecca Senf, Chief Curator, Center for Creative Photography
Fri, Dec 10, 2021 | 6:30–8:30 pm
Talk: 6:30 pm | Leslie Cheek Theater
Book Signing (Free, no tickets required): 7:30 pm | Conference Center Suites