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Cost: $8 (VMFA members $5)

VMFA Book Club: Pompeii

Thu, Nov 19, 5:30–7 pm

Conference Room 1

With Dr. Peter Schertz, Jack and Mary Ann Frable Curator of Ancient Art

In 79 AD, Marcus Attilius Primus, a civil engineer, is sent to Pompeii to take charge of the Aqua Augusta, the aqueduct supplying fresh water to the towns around the Bay of Naples. At first, he believes his only problem is to repair the aqueduct; however, he soon uncovers corruption, violence, a missing persons mystery, and an impending natural disaster. Robert Harris’s research on Pompeii and volcanology helps bring this doomed town to life in this New York Times bestselling novel.

Using books about artists or works of art to pique curiosity and open discussion, VMFA Book Club explores specific works as well as the setting and period that surround them. Note: Reading the book is helpful, but not required. The VMFA Shop stocks a limited supply of each book.