HannahBrownSkeele (1)

Grapes, ca. 1865, Hannah Brown Skeele (American, 1829–1901), oil on board. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, John Barton Payne Fund, Gift of Coe Kerr Gallery, by exchange, and Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund, by exchange

Grapes, ca. 1865, Hannah Brown Skeele (American, 1829–1901), oil on board. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, John Barton Payne Fund, Gift of Coe Kerr Gallery, by exchange, and Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund, by exchange

Grapes, ca. 1865, Hannah Brown Skeele (American, 1829–1901), oil on board. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, John Barton Payne Fund, Gift of Coe Kerr Gallery, by exchange, and Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund, by exchange

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