Virginia Museum of Fine Arts gardening volunteers, many of whom are on the The Council of the VMFA, have been

Quercus mulching team
completing spring projects. Shown here (L to R) are Bob Allen, Carmella Allen, Dave Herbst, Skip Walton, Alice Higgins, Bill Cooper and Richard Lister. The project shown is the mulching of newly planted trees along Shepherd Street. These oaks have been planted by the City of Richmond under the direction of City Arborist, Luke McCall. Providing follow up care, the garden volunteers will add shredded hardwood mulch to the tree beds which provides moisture retention and heat buffering during the summer. The volunteers and staff will continue the weekly care by watering them during their first full season of growth.
Other projects for the volunteers include planting and care of floral beds and pruning shrubs and small trees.
VMFA has also just planted three magnificent flowering Kwanzan cherry trees which grace the hillside leading up to the Belvidere.
The Garden Volunteer Program is in its second year and has already donated nearly 300 hours of horticultural care to VMFA’s E. Claiborne and Lora Robins Sculpture Garden and 13 acre campus.Volunteers meet each Wednesday morning during the growing season, starting in February with winter pruning and ending in November with the planting of bulbs and pansies in the floral beds. Each work session teaches techniques and includes tips on home gardening.
For more information about the Garden Volunteer Program or other volunteer opportunities at the VMFA, contact VMFA Volunteer Programs Coordinator, Kim Frola at 804-340-1461 or
– Tom Brinda, VMFA Horticulturist