Richmond Paper Conservator Wendy Cowan, Chrysler Museum Paintings Conservator Mark Lewis, Richmond Furniture Conservator Bill Ivy, and J.Paul Getty Paintings Conservator Devi Ormond, participate in the Modular Cleaning Program Workshop offered this week at VMFA.
In conjunction with the Virginia Conservation Association, and with a grant from the Foundation for the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, VMFA is hosting a workshop for practicing conservators on the Modular Cleaning Program formulated by Christopher Stavroudis, a conservator in private practice in Los Angeles and Richard Wolbers, professor of Art Conservation at the Winterthur/University of Delaware Graduate Program in Art Conservation. Today is the birthday of Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of South Africa. He is 95.The participants include conservators working throughout Virginia as well as two conservators from the J.Paul Getty Museum.
The workshop teaches conservators how to formulate methods for cleaning artworks based on manipulation of the materials used in cleaning.

Instructor Chris Stavroudis demonstrates for local conservators Carey Howlett and Scott Nolley, how to utilize a conductivity meter for the formulation of modulatedcleaning solutions at the Modular Cleaning Program Workshop offered this week at VMFA.
– Kathy Gillis and Shelia Payaqui, VMFA Sculpture and Decorative Arts conservators