Mummy of Nesperennub about 800 BC© The Trustees of the British Museum
In anticipation and celebration of Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb (Nov 19, 2011 – March 11, 2012) VMFA is sponsoring a Mummy Love program. Anyone may participate, provided they follow the guidelines below. Mummy Love will begin on October 29 at 10 am and continue through the holiday season.
On October 29 at 10 am mummies are invited to VMFA to spell out the word LOVE with their bodies, in the museum atrium in an unabashed publicity collaboration with Virginia Tourism (limit: 30 mummies). Virginia is for Lovers, you know, and mummies love Virginia, too! The photo will be posted on VMFA’s Facebook page for easy upload and sharing. Each participating mummy will receive a free ticket to the upcoming exhibition, and a complimentary beverage in Best Café. And yes, we’ll have some extra muslin on hand for those who need to wrap.
On November 19, Mummies or other Egyptian costumes are welcome at VMFA and will be rewarded with free admission to Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb. The first 200 visitors in Egyptian costume (you must be at least half-costumed) will be admitted free. Limit: 40 free tickets per 30-time slot through noon, so put on those linen wrappings, kohl eyeliner and gladiator sandals early!
Other opportunities will be available for Team Mummy, starting with Halloween parties and also including appearances at the Zombie Walk on October 29, the Jefferson Christmas tree lighting on November 28, First Fridays, and more. If you provide your email address to Suzanne.hall(at)vmfa.museum you will be placed on a list for updates. And yes, there will be incentives to participate.
Mummy Love Rules
VMFA will not be held responsible for the actions of the program participants. By participating in this program you agree to follow these rules.
1. Except for Halloween weekend and at VMFA on opening day, mummies may not cover their faces when appearing in public. This is to comply with 18.2-422 in the code of Virginia: Prohibition of wearing masks. You are a mysterious and evocative creature of an ancient culture, not a bank robber.
2. VMFA will provide Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb information cards for distribution by mummies who have arms.
3. DO NOT attempt to scare anyone who is not a willing participant.
If your costume is upsetting to someone, turn and lurch in the opposite direction.
4. No walking out into the street or traffic. VMFA mummies use crosswalks and obey the walk/don’t walk signs.
6. No profanities
You are not only representing VMFA but the noble culture of ancient Egypt. Please behave accordingly.
7. Stay on public property
Do not go into stores or other private properties, unless you have obtained permission.
8. Have fun!
Come up with a theme and stay in character as much as possible.