2014-11 Forbidden City – 64_41 (FULL)

In Praise of Three Stars (Gods of Happiness, Longevity and Prosperity), Qing dynasty, Qianlong Period (1736-1795), 1782, silk tapestry embroidered with silk and metallic threads, 150 5/8” x 58 3/8” in. Gift of Mr. Christopher T. Chenery.

In Praise of Three Stars (Gods of Happiness, Longevity and Prosperity), Qing dynasty, Qianlong Period (1736-1795), 1782, silk tapestry embroidered with silk and metallic threads, 150 5/8” x 58 3/8” in. Gift of Mr. Christopher T. Chenery.

In Praise of Three Stars (Gods of Happiness, Longevity and Prosperity), Qing dynasty, Qianlong Period (1736-1795), 1782, silk tapestry embroidered with silk and metallic threads, 150 5/8” x 58 3/8” in. Gift of Mr. Christopher T. Chenery.

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