Alaska’s Untamed Wilderness

Aug 14–24, 2025

Awe-inspiring natural beauty and outdoor adventure await as your small group explores Alaska’s varied landscaped and noteworthy cities. Setting out by deluxe railcar, encounter Denali National Park’s stunning wilderness during a three-night stay. Hike through the park’s tundra and visit an Iditarod sled dog kennel. After a scenic flight deep into remote Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, America’s largest national park, take a singular excursion to Root Glacier and explore the once-booming copper mining town of Kennicott. Tour Anchorage’s historic downtown, then visit the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, home to bears, moose, elk, lynx, and more. In scenic Seward, embark on a cruise to explore rugged Kenai Fjords National Park. The adventure concludes back in Anchorage with a dynamic Native Games demonstration at the Alaska Native Heritage Center and time for independent exploration.

11 days for $8,397 total price from Washington, D.C. ($8,195 air & land inclusive plus $202 airline taxes and departure fees)
Single Supplement: $1,695
Land Only: $7,095

For more information, or to register for this trip, please see the trip brochure or contact Odysseys Unlimited at 888-370-6765.