Members Experience More
Welcome to a year of extraordinary experiences at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts!
Join today to enjoy special privileges such as exclusive access, guest tickets, generous discounts, free parking, and more! In addition to receiving special benefits, you will be joining a hub of creativity in our community and supporting our mission to present and preserve Virginia’s renowned art collection for all to enjoy.
Members will also enjoy free tickets to four exhibitions during your membership year! Be among the first to see Benjamin Wigfall and Communications Village and Whitfield Lovell: Passages, opening June 17. You’ll save even more when you return this fall to see the stunning work of photographers Willie Anne Wright and Dawoud Bey.
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Join today to receive a free gift of a VMFA baseball cap PLUS two additional months of membership! That’s 14 months for the price of 12. Please use Promo Code YPA
when joining.
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All membership levels include: