Jeffrey Allison

VMFA Statewide Structure Broadens Engagement

As a national leader in education, VMFA’s Statewide division has restructured to reach an even wider audience including all schools, educators, and community-based non-profit organizations. Libraries, retirement homes, historic sites, art centers and also accredited museums are now part of the outreach.

VMFA Program & Event Calendar

VMFA offers a variety of programs throughout the year, from films to lectures to art classes. For more information about these programs, please call Visitor Services at 804-340-1400 or Also, keep in mind that some events may change and the best way to find an updated list of programs is on our website:

Museum Entrance

2013 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Nation’s Talented Teens

Twenty-five students from the Richmond region received National Awards for their artwork submitted to The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards program, recognizing outstanding creative teenagers and offering scholarship opportunities for graduating high school seniors. Of these National Awards, 15 received Gold Medals and 12 received Silver Medals.