Edward Hopper divided his time between his New York studio, located on Washington Square, and a cottage he built on a beach in South Truro, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The act of shuttling between these two sites of creativity meant that Hopper developed a love for the road and mobility at a time when our national identity was wrapped up in a highway culture wanderlust. In this course, explore Hopper’s depictions of the city, the country, and the space in between. This class will include a tour of the special exhibition Edward Hopper and the American Hotel with the instructor.
*Sold Out* Dec 3 *Sold Out* Dec 5
Cost: $25 (VMFA members $20)
Edward Hopper and the Space In Between
with Dr. Sarah Powers, Curatorial Research Specialist for the exhibition Edward Hopper and the American Hotel
Tue, Dec 3, 1 – 2:30 pm
Thu, Dec 5, 6 – 7:30 pm
Conference Suite & Galleries