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Art Audio Clips: Middle White Boar: Wharfedale Deliverance

Art Audio Clips: Middle White Boar: Wharfedale Deliverance
Herbert Haseltine (American, 1877–1962) Middle White Boar: Wharfedale Deliverance, 1933 Rose St. Georges marble, 13 in. high, Paul Mellon Collection, 86.146.
  • Type: Art Audio File
  • Collection: European Art
  • Culture/Region: Europe
  • Subject Area: Music, Visual Arts
  • Grade Level: K-12, College, Adult, Families

For Families

Sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” Wild@Art-style! Tour VMFA’s “Barnyard” to fill in the lyrics:

Old MacDonald had a farm,
And on that farm he had a [animal name],
With a [animal noise twice] here
and a [animal noise twice] there
Here a [animal noise],
there a [animal noise],
everywhere a [animal noise twice]
Old MacDonald had a farm, EE-I-EE-I-O.


For Everyone

In this passage from Herbert Haseltine’s writings, the sculptor describes how his interaction with Deliverance informed the making of his marble portrait:

Wharfedale Deliverance had small and elegant cloven feet and it hardly seemed possible that they could support the mountains of fat towering above them. The edges of his hieroglyphically curled ears were covered with a fringe of white curls, and his tail was hairy, like a horse’s, the hairs nearly touching the ground while he was standing still, and carried gracefully over his back when walking.

I represented the tail in that position. Some visitors to the farm noticed this and when they expressed their surprise, I had him walked about—and up went that tail!

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