- Type: Hands-on Activity
- Collection: African Art
- Culture/Region: Africa
- Subject Area: History and Social Science, Visual Arts
- Grade Level: K-5
Celebrate the Art of Brazil: The Queen of the Sea!
Afro-Brazilian people of the Candomblé religion gather on February 2 every year on the northern shores of Brazil to honor the goddess Yemanjá. The festival of Yemanjá begins with an offering to the sea queen, made by tossing blue and white flowers into the ocean. Followers of Candomblé, which was formed by the Yoruba people of Africa, believe that this mermaid-like deity protects boats crossing the ocean. Fishermen seeking protection and guidance attend this festival offering gifts of flowers, perfume, and soap to the goddess. Many Yoruba works are in the VMFA collection of African Art.
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