Discover shapes in a stained glass window was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright!
Windows from Avery Coonley Playhouse, (detail), 1912, frank Lloyd wright (American), stained and leaded glass, 30 1/2 x 12 1/4 in. Gift of Sydney and Frances Lewis
This stained glass window was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. He was an American architect, an artist who designs buildings. Architects sometimes design decorative things, such as this stained-glass window, to go on or inside their buildings.
What shapes do you see in this stained-glass window?
What colors?
This window was made to go into the Avery Coonley Playhouse, a house that was used for Mrs. Coonley’s Kindergarten class.
Parents and teachers can assist children with the following enrichment activities:
1. Create a color collage using items that are primary colors.
2. Simulate tie-dyed art by using magic markers, primary colors only, to draw a pattern on a coffee filter. Spray water on filter and watch the colors mix.
3. Look for buildings around your neighborhood that have stained-glass windows.
My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss
Hello, Goodbye Window by Norton Juster and Chris Raschka
Visual Arts K.3, K.7, K.11, K.15, K.16
English K.1, K.2, K.3
History/Social Science K.6, K.8
Science K.1, K.4