Mystical India

Oct 1228, 2025

Mystical and spiritual, chaotic and confounding, India overflows with riches. Staying at excellent hotels, your small group travels the classic Golden Triangle: bustling Delhi; Agra, home of the sublime Taj Mahal; and Jaipur, great city of the Rajput. The 17-day exploration begins with Old and New Delhi’s important sights. Discovery of the “pink city” of Jaipur includes the stunning Hawa Mahal palace, Amber Fort, and a home-hosted dinner with a Rajasthan family. Search for the elusive Bengal tiger on game drives in Ranthambore National Park, then meet Meena tribespeople in Gadoli. In ancient Agra, encounter the awe-inspiring Taj Mahal and take an Indian cuisine cooking lesson. Experience life along the sacred Ganges in Hinduism’s holiest city, Varanasi, and visit nearby Sarnath, one of Buddhism’s holiest sites. Absorb the beauty of the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal on an optional 6-day/4-night post-tour extension that includes extensive sightseeing.

17 days for $6,287 total price from Washington, D.C. ($5,395 air & land inclusive plus $892 airline taxes and departure fees)
Single Supplement: $1,495
Land Only: $4,795

For more information, or to register for this trip, please see the trip brochure or contact Odysseys Unlimited at 888-370-6765.