Early Childhood Group Visits

Explore color, culture, shape, form, movement, math, science, literature, and history — all while viewing works of art from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts collection.

Preschool Experiencesclass_youth

Children ages 4 and 5, participate in an exploratory introduction, experience two interactive tours of the galleries, create unique works of their own and listen to engaging stories.

Toddler Adventures

Toddlers, ages 2 and 3, view works on display during an interactive gallery walk, participate in playful movement activities, a story time, and explore safe art materials in the studio.

Tour Info

All Group Visits are $10 per child, and are available September through May. Financial Aid is available based upon need; please contact the Early Childhood Educator for more information. A maximum of 20 children and 5 adults can be accommodated. Limit of 10 children per visit.

Each visit lasts 90 minutes and focuses on a theme of your choice – listed below.

Please have 1 adult chaperone for every 5 students (limit of 5 chaperones per group of 20; no additional children or visitors permitted). Tour capacities are based on gallery availability and materials provided.

Day + Time

Available October 12, 2015 through May 20, 2016
Mondays or Fridays, 10 – 11:30 am
Arrival and departure times are not included. Please plan accordingly.


Please check in at the security desk upon entering the Student Group Entrance and give the total number of students and adults. Lori Coffey (or a designated VMFA staff person) will be there to walk your group to the Art Education Center where you will begin the program.

Reservations + Registration

To schedule your preschool’s group visit, please call Lori Valente Coffey, Early Childhood Programs Educator, at 804.340.1343 or email lori.coffey@vmfa.museum, no less than 3 weeks prior to your requested date. Payments of $10 per child are to be made in advance, once reservations have been confirmed. Reservations are subject to availability.

Please have the following information ready:

  • School name, address, and phone number
  • Contact person or teacher’s name, e-mail address, and cell phone number
  • Theme of interest
  • Number of students and ages
  • Date for Request, plus an alternate date(s), if possible


Fees are nonrefundable for cancellations made within 24 hours of your scheduled visit.


Early Childhood Group Visit themes and lessons are designed to accommodate different learning styles, and are based upon Virginia’s Foundation Blocks for Early Learning.

Illuminate and Create
Discover light shining through spaces, materials, and art at VMFA, while exploring science and the elements of art.

1-2-3-4-5 Senses!
Activate all five of your senses as you explore VMFA’s campus and participate in an exploratory studio art project.

Artistic Animals
Get artsy as you explore the animals of VMFA! Delve into animal characteristics, explore vastly different habitats and observe animals in sculptures and paintings in the galleries.