The E. Claiborne and Lora Robins Sculpture Garden



The E. Claiborne and Lora Robins Sculpture Garden has been an outdoor retreat for museum patrons and the community since it opened along with the museum’s expansion project in May 2010. The 3½-acre space is comprised of styled gardens, a cascading waterfall, and on-site sculpture exhibition. The multi-leveled grounds afford different viewing perspectives for museum patrons, while the mixture of organic space and contemporary architectural design contributes to the dynamic and ever-changing garden aesthetic. Adjacent to the Sculpture Garden, facing Arthur Ashe Boulevard and near the museum’s front entrance, the monumental sculpture Rumors of War by Kehinde Wiley is the historic installation that was unveiled to the public on December 10, 2019.

The Robins Sculpture Garden has proven to be the perfect exhibition space for VMFA’s permanent and temporary sculpture collections. The works on view — by modern to contemporary artists such as Henry Moore, Aristide Maillol, and Oronzio Maldarelli — are free to the public, as are the permanent collections inside the museum. The recent acquisition of Dale Chihuly’s Red Reeds, located in the Anne Cobb Gottwald Reflecting Pool, was a triumph as it “is the first site-specific outdoor installation by Chihuly to be acquired by an art museum,” according to museum director, Alex Nyerges.

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is pleased to announce the addition of Neptune Virginia Beach Maquette by Richmond-based sculptor Paul DiPasquale.

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The Sculpture Garden is host to educational museum events and outdoor tours as well as many public events, such as select Saturday Salutation classes offered by partner Project Yoga Richmond. The versatile space is also ideal for dog walking (on leash), a quick bite, or letting young children expend some energy.
With your support, we can add vibrant color, additional amenities, seasonal plantings, and so much more. Your gift will help make the gardens and greenspaces of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts a place to teach, inspire, and delight. Thank you!

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Richmond Garden Trail
The Richmond Garden Trail is a ready-made itinerary of some of country’s best gardens and green spaces, with a few Richmond Garden Trail“garden secrets” along the way. The eight sites are all less than 10 miles from each other. There’s no official starting point – choose what appeals to you and visit at your leisure.

Gardens are continually changing, so there’s always something new and interesting to see, even in winter when many have special holiday displays and activities. Ask at each site for the day’s highlights and for any help you may need planning your next stop. Designated parking, dining and other amenities are available at many of the sites. Share your experiences on social media using #RVAgardentrail or #RVAblooms.