Educadores de galería bilingües (español/inglés)

Educadores de galería bilingües (español/inglés)


El Departamento de Servicios Turísticos que hace parte de la División de Arte y Educación busca dos Educadores de galería bilingües (español/inglés) cautivadoras y conocedoras para facilitar recorridos por la exposición Frida: más allá del mito, que se podrá ver en el VMFA del 4 de abril hasta el 27 de septiembre de 2025.  Este puesto temporal a tiempo parcial empiezará en marzo de 2025 y terminará en septiembre de 2025.

La responsabilidad principal de este puesto es ayudar al Departamento de Servicios Turísticos a facilitar visitas guiadas en grupo en español y/o inglés para grupos de estudiantes y adultos durante toda la exposición. Las responsabilidades también pueden incluir el trabajo periódico con otros eventos del museo, incluso los Días Familiares y la extensión comunitaria. El puesto tendrá un promedio de aproximadamente 20 horas de trabajo por semana, con un horario flexible que se adapta a las solicitudes, incluso los fines de semana y las noches. Las horas incluirán tiempo de investigación, administración y giras. Los horarios se finalizarán con al menos dos semanas de antelación.


El Departamento de Educación del VMFA se centra en los valores fundamentales de calidad, colaboración y estar centrado en la comunidad. A través del arte y las experiencias compartidas, invitamos un intercambio de perspectivas diversas para descubrir capas de significado y, a su vez, apoyar el descubrimiento, el aprendizaje y conexiones más profundas. El personal de VMFA disfruta de beneficios del museo, como entrada gratis a exposiciones especiales, avances de exposiciones especiales, precios para empleados para programas y clases selectos del museo y descuentos en Amuse Restaurant, Best Café y VMFA Shop.


Responsabilidades clave:

  • Planificación, preparación y realización de interesantes visitas guiadas en inglés y español para grupos de alumnos de primaria, secundaria y universidad, y grupos de adultos.
  • Interactuar con audiencias diversas, fomentando el diálogo y promoviendo la exploración del arte de Kahlo.
  • Evaluar y ajustar el contenido del recorrido basado en los comentarios de los visitantes y las mejores prácticas educativas actuales.
  • Participar en las sesiones de capacitación de guías turísticos y talleres para el personal requeridos.
  • Colaborar en el desarrollo de recursos educativos para mejorar las visitas grupales.
  • Gestionar reservas, correspondencia grupal, procesamiento de pagos y saludar a los grupos, junto con otras tareas logísticas relacionadas con las visitas.
  • Responder a las preguntas de los visitantes e interactuar con los miembros del grupo de manera cortés, amigable y profesional.
  • Atender cualquier problema o emergencia que pueda surgir durante los recorridos.


Calificaciones mínimas

  • Fluidez en inglés y español, con excelentes habilidades de comunicación verbal en ambos idiomas.
  • Se prefiere experiencia previa en educación en museos, dirección de recorridos y/o enseñanza de inglés como segunda lengua o un campo relacionado.
  • Capacidad demostrada para involucrar e inspirar a audiencias diversas a través de narración efectiva y técnicas educativas.
  • Fuerte conocimiento del arte y la historia del arte, particularmente el modernismo.
  • Familiaridad con las tendencias educativas actuales en el ámbito museístico.
  • Experiencia en el desarrollo de materiales o programación educativos.
  • Excelentes habilidades interpersonales, con un comportamiento amigable y accesible.
  • Se requiere flexibilidad para trabajar fines de semana y noches.
  • Debe poder trabajar y estudiar de forma independiente.


Consideraciones adicionales:

La experiencia, el conocimiento, las habilidades y las capacidades generalmente se obtienen y demuestran al completar:

  • Licenciatura en Arte (BA), Historia del Arte, Educación, Estudios de Museos o un campo relacionado.


Instrucciones especiales:

Para ver y postularse a este puesto, haga clic AQUÍ

Se le proporcionará una confirmación de recibo cuando su solicitud y/o currículum se envíe exitosamente. Consulte “Su solicitud” (“Your application”) en su cuenta para verificar el estado de su solicitud para este puesto. Envíe las solicitudes y los materiales en inglés.

Los candidatos seleccionados deben pasar una verificación de antecedentes penales.

La fecha límite para postular es el 2 de febrero de 2025.


Comuníquese con la oficina de recursos humanos al  si necesite ayuda. El Museo de Bellas Artes de Virginia/Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) es un empleador certificado EEO/AA, Virginia Values ​​Veterans (V3).

Favor de enviar tres (3) referencias. Proporcione nombre completo, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico. Las referencias podrán adjuntarse como documentos separados en el campo “otros” (“other”) del portal; o se puede incluirlas con el currículum o la carta de presentación.

Se prefieren referencias profesionales. También se considerarán otros tipos de referencias. Las referencias deben apoyar sus conocimientos, talentos y capacidades, especialmente las calificaciones relevantes para el puesto que está solicitando.

En apoyo del compromiso del Commonwealth con la inclusión, animamos a las personas con discapacidades a presentar su solicitud a través del Proceso de contratación alternativo del Commonwealth. Para ser considerado para esta oportunidad, los solicitantes deberán proporcionar su Carta AHP (anteriormente COD) proporcionada por el Departamento de Servicios de Envejecimiento  y Rehabilitación (DARS) o el Departamento para Ciegos y Personas con Discapacidades Visuales (DBVI). Se anima a los veteranos conectados al servicio a responder preguntas sobre el estatus de veterano y enviar su documentación de discapacidad, si corresponde, al DARS/DBVI para obtener su carta AHP. Puede solicitar una carta de AHP llamando al DARS al 800-552-5019.

Nota: Los solicitantes que recibieron un Certificado de Discapacidad del DARS o DBVI con fecha entre el 1 de abril de 2022 y el 29 de febrero de 2024, todavía pueden usar ese COD como documentación aplicable para el Proceso de Contratación Alternativo.

Información del contacto

Nombre: Servicios de Recursos Humanos

Teléfono: por favor envíe un correo electrónico

Correo electrónico:

Bi-lingual (Spanish/English) Gallery Educator

To View and Apply to this position click HERE

Bi-lingual (Spanish/English) Gallery Educator


Title: Bi-lingual (Spanish/English) Gallery Educator

State Role Title: Education Support Specialist I

Hiring Range: $20.00/hour

Pay Band: 2

Agency: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


Agency Website:

Recruitment Type: General Public – G

Job Duties

The Tour Services Department within the Art and Education Division is seeking two engaging and knowledgeable bi-lingual (Spanish/English) Gallery Educators to facilitate tours of the upcoming Frida: Beyond the Myth exhibition, on view at VMFA April 4 through September 27, 2025. This part-time temporary position will span from March 2025 to September 2025.

The primary responsibility for this position is to assist the Tour Services Department with facilitating guided group tours for student and adult groups throughout the run of the exhibition. Responsibilities may also include periodic work with other museum events, including Family Days and Community outreach. This non-exempt, part-time position will average approximately 20 hours of work per week, with a flexible schedule that accommodates requests, including weekends and evenings. Hours will include research, admin, and touring time. Schedules will be finalized at least two weeks in advance.

VMFA’s Education Department centers on the core values of Quality, Collaboration, and being Community-centered. Through art and shared experiences, we invite an exchange of diverse perspectives to uncover layers of meaning and in turn, support discovery, learning, and deeper connections. VMFA staff enjoy museum benefits like free admission to special exhibitions, previews of special exhibitions, employee pricing for select museum programs and classes, and discounts at Amuse Restaurant, Best Café, and VMFA Shop.

Key Responsibilities:

• Planning, preparing, and delivering engaging guided tours in both English and Spanish for K-College and Adult Groups.
• Interacting with diverse audiences, fostering dialogue and encouraging exploration of Kahlo’s art.
• Evaluating and adjusting tour content based on visitor feedback and current educational best practices.
• Participating in required Tour Guide Training sessions and staff workshops.
• Assisting in the development of educational resources to enhance group visits.
• Managing bookings, group correspondence, payment processing, and greeting groups, along with other logistical duties related to tours.
• Answering visitor questions and engaging with group members in a courteous, friendly, and professional manner.
• Addressing any issues or emergencies that may arise during tours.

Minimum Qualifications:

• Fluency in both English and Spanish, with excellent verbal communication skills in both languages.
• Strong knowledge of Art and Art History, particularly modernism
• Previous experience in museum education, leading tours, or a related field is preferred.
• Demonstrated ability to engage and inspire diverse audiences through effective storytelling and educational techniques.
• Familiarity with current educational trends in the museum field.
• Experience in developing educational content or programming.
• Excellent interpersonal skills, with a friendly and approachable demeanor.
• Flexibility to work weekends and evenings is required.
• Must be able to work and study independently.

Additional Considerations:

Experience, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities typically gained and demonstrated through completion of:
Bachelor’s degree in Art, Art History, Education, Museum Studies, or a related field.
Prior work experience with groups and students.
Prior work experience in a museum or cultural arts organization.
Degree in art and art history or equivalent training or experience.

Special Instructions

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

Selected candidates must pass a criminal history background check.

Deadline to apply is February 2, 2025. Please contact the HR office at if you need assistance. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is an EEO/AA, Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certified Employer.

Please submit three (3) references. Provide full name, phone number and email address. References may be attached in a separate document in the “other” field in the portal; or they may be included with the resume or cover letter.

Professional references are preferred. Other reference types will also receive consideration. References should be able to attest to your knowledge, skills, and abilities, especially qualifications relevant to the position for which you are applying.

In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

Contact Information

Name: Human Resources Services

Phone: please email



In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

Special Assistant, Office of the Director

**To view and apply for this position, please click HERE **

Title: Special Assistant, Office of the Director
State Role Title: VMFA Senior
Hiring Range: $120,000
Pay Band: UG
Agency: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Agency Website:
Recruitment Type: General Public – G

Job Duties
This role is designed to provide high-level project and professional level administrative support, necessitating independent work and significant decision-making authority. The focus of this position includes key strategic projects such as development initiatives, strategic planning, reaccreditation, compliance, and managing special projects for the Executive Deputy Director and Chief Administrative Officer.

As a state agency, the VMFA provides a generous benefits package that has pro-rated aspects for part-time classified staff. All VMFA staff also enjoy museum benefits like free admission to special exhibitions, previews of special exhibitions, employee pricing for select museum programs and classes, and discounts at Amuse Restaurant, Best Cafe, and VMFA Shop.

Minimum Qualifications
Ability to handle and assist with high profile/EDD-CAO multiple projects; flexibility to prioritize and work under pressure; willingness and ability to collaborate as a team member to successfully complete projects; work independently; develop and continually update knowledge of state and museum policies, regulations, and operations; willingness and ability to work evenings occasionally. Requires high level of confidentiality.

Additional Considerations
Experience in a fast-paced professional services, law, consulting, accounting services environment or similar preferred. A high level of proficiency in Microsoft Office and PowerPoint is essential. Exceptional verbal and written skills, professionalism and ability to use discretion and independent decision-making.

Special Instructions
You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.
You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

Please submit three (3) references. Provide full name, phone number, and email address. References may be attached in a separate document in the “other” field in the portal; or they may be included with the resume or cover letter.

Professional references are preferred. Other reference types will also receive consideration. References should be able to attest to your knowledge, skills, and abilities, especially qualifications relevant to the position for which you are applying.

Selected candidates must pass a criminal history background check.

Interested individuals must submit an online application. This posting will close at 11:55 p.m. on the designated closing date.

Please contact the HR office at if you need assistance.

VMFA is an EEO/AA and Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certified Employer. Diverse and inclusive hiring practices are at the heart of what we do at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Contact Information
Name: Human Resources Services
Phone: Please email

In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.
Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.


E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Curator of East Asian Art

**To view and apply for this position, please click HERE **

Title: E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Curator of East Asian Art

State Role Title: VMFA Senior

Hiring Range: $100,000 – $110,000

Pay Band: UG

Agency: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


Agency Website:

Recruitment Type: General Public – G

Job Duties

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts invites applications for the position of E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Curator of East Asian Art. This is a senior-level position at one of the world’s finest museums. We seek an accomplished curator with an international reputation in the field of East Asian Art to advance the curatorial vision for a collection of more than 2,500 works of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean art. Candidates will apply their significant experience working at an art museum as well as their proven record of successfully developing and implementing major exhibitions and permanent collection installations, as well as a history of publishing accompanying catalogues and new scholarship. The successful candidate will work through their own established international network of relationships in the art world, including museums and galleries, to achieve curatorial goals while managing a substantial acquisitions budget.

This is an appointed, exempt-level faculty position that offers Commonwealth of Virginia employee benefits such as 12 paid holidays, health benefits and more. VMFA staff also enjoy museum benefits like free admission to special exhibitions, previews of special exhibitions, employee pricing for select museum programs and classes, and discounts at Amuse Restaurant, Best Café, and VMFA Shop. Join our team at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and contribute to our mission of providing exceptional cultural experiences!

Minimum Qualifications

Significant experience in curatorial work focusing on East Asian art with a distinguished track record in acquisitions, exhibitions, scholarly publications, public speaking, and research. Strong knowledge of best practices of collection stewardship, as well as organizational and interpersonal skills. Excellent writing, communication, and public speaking skills are required and the ability to work in a highly collaborative, team-based environment is essential.

Additional Considerations

Extensive experience typically gained through a Ph.D. program in Art History. Demonstrated experience with acquisitions, exhibitions, publications, collections management, and scholarly research; expertise in all periods and areas of East Asian art, as well as proficiency in languages, especially Chinese or Japanese.

Special Instructions

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

Selected candidates must pass a criminal history background check.

Position will be open until filled, but priority will be given to applications submitted in the first two weeks. Please contact the HR office at if you need assistance. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is an EEO/AA, Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certified Employer.

Please submit three (3) references. Provide full name, phone number and email address. References may be attached in a separate document in the “other” field in the portal; or they may be included with the resume or cover letter.

Professional references are preferred. Other reference types will also receive consideration. References should be able to attest to your knowledge, skills, and abilities, especially qualifications relevant to the position for which you are applying.

In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

Contact Information

Name: Human Resources Services

Phone: please email



In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

Chief Conservator

**To view and apply for this position, please click HERE **

Title: Chief Conservator

State Role Title: VMFA Senior

Hiring Range: $150,000

Pay Band: UG

Agency: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


Agency Website:

Recruitment Type: General Public – G

Job Duties

The Chief Conservator position leads the Susan and David Goode Center for Advanced Study in Art Conservation. Opened in 2010, the Goode Center is dedicated to the care and treatment of the museum’s collection of more than 50,000 works of art. With almost 10,000 square feet of lab space, it is one of the largest art conservation facilities in the southeast and is outfitted with advanced analytical and examination capabilities including hyperspectral imaging, infrared and multiband imaging, scanning and portable x-ray fluorescence, FT-IR and FT-Raman spectroscopy, polarized light microscopy, microfade testing, and computed x-radiography. The Goode Center’s staff includes conservators, conservation technicians, and mount makers specializing in paintings, objects, paper, and photographs. With the generous support from the Carpenter Foundation, the Goode Center will also be expanding its areas of specialization to include Chinese and Japanese paintings, making it one of only seven institutions in the United States with this focus. The Goode Center aspires to be a leader in the field of art conservation and technical art history through collaborative research and scholarship with conservators, curators, researchers, scientists, and students around the globe. Conservators within the Goode Center share research findings through engagement with the public on-site and online, lecturing nationally and internationally, in peer-reviewed publications, and through the museum’s exhibitions and statewide programs. The Goode Center is also dedicated to promoting diversity in the field and training the next generation of conservators through outreach, workshops, paid internships, and fellowships.

The Chief Conservator has primary responsibility for the conservation of works of art in the museum’s collection and for overseeing all aspects of the Goode Center, including treatment of objects, technical analysis, scientific research, and the supervision of departmental staff and contract employees. This position oversees the operation of three conservation teams – Sculpture and Decorative Arts, Paintings, and Works on Paper – and ensures that the highest conservation standards and protocols are utilized for the care and maintenance of the museum’s collection. The Chief Conservator is also responsible for developing and maintaining the Conservation budget and establishing priorities and strategic direction for the Goode Center in support of the museum’s objectives and Strategic Plan.

As a state agency, the VMFA provides a generous benefits package to all full-time classified staff. All VMFA staff also enjoy museum benefits like free admission to special exhibitions, previews of special exhibitions, employee pricing for select museum programs and classes, and discounts at Amuse Restaurant, Best Cafe, and VMFA Shop.

Minimum Qualifications

• Minimum of 10 years at levels of increasing responsibility in positions related to the management of a multidisciplinary art conservation program.
• Direct, hands-on experience encompassing all aspects of conservation, including treatment of works of art.
• Demonstrates leadership experience at a senior level with high responsibility and accountability.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills.
• Demonstrated ability to supervise and work successfully with others, including museum staff, students, donors, volunteers, and diverse public constituencies.
• Advanced comprehensive knowledge of art conservation methods and materials and the resources needed to support the care and treatment of the collection.
• Demonstrated experience of motivating and leading experienced conservators and mentoring entry-and mid-level professionals in the field.
• Proven supervisory, planning, organization, budget, and project management skills.
• Capacity to prioritize and deal with many projects and assignments at once.
• Demonstrated ability to analyze and make recommendations and decisions based upon a sophisticated understanding of art museum practices.
• Ability to work with collection management databases.
• Excellent ability to write reports and effectively present information, including responding to inquiries and requests from the museum staff, outside organizations and the general public.

Additional Considerations

Experience, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities typically gained and demonstrated through completion of:

• B.A. from a four-year college or university with a major in Chemistry, Art History, or a related major course of study.
• M.A. from an accredited conservation training program or equivalent training.

Special Instructions

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

Please submit three (3) references. Provide full name, phone number, and email address. References may be attached in a separate document in the “other” field in the portal; or they may be included with the resume or cover letter.

Professional references are preferred. Other reference types will also receive consideration. References should be able to attest to your knowledge, skills, and abilities, especially qualifications relevant to the position for which you are applying.

Selected candidates must pass a criminal history background check.

The selected candidate must complete the Statement of Economic Interest form and associated Conflict of Interest training as a condition of employment.

Interested individuals must submit an online application. This posting will close at 11:55 p.m. on the designated closing date.

Please contact the HR office at if you need assistance.

VMFA is an EEO/AA and Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certified Employer. Diverse and inclusive hiring practices are at the heart of what we do at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

Contact Information

Name: Human Resources Services

Phone: please email



In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

HVAC Installation and Repair Technician/Boiler Plant Operator (Classified; Non-exempt)

** Please visit the Virginia Jobs site to view and apply: Click HERE

HVAC Installation and Repair Technician/Boiler Plant Operator

Title: HVAC Installation and Repair Technician/Boiler Plant Operator

State Role Title: Electronic Technician II

Hiring Range: $69,000 – $80,000 annually

Pay Band: 4

Agency: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


Agency Website:

Recruitment Type: General Public – G

Job Duties

At the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), we value our employees.
The Building and Grounds team is relentlessly passionate about their work. Every day we come to work and support the needs of the museum by completing the necessary work to ensure that operations run smoothly.

We welcome applications of skilled service professionals who are team-centric and positively energetic to join the museum as the HVAC Installation and Repair Technician/Boiler Plant Operator.
This is a non-exempt position which offers Commonwealth of Virginia employee benefits such as 12 paid holidays, health benefits and more.

Why Join the Buildings and Grounds Team?
Inclusive Workplace:
We are proud of our diverse workforce and vibrant art-filled surroundings. We value your strengths and experiences. Come be yourself!

Flexible Scheduling:
The Building and Grounds team works to offer flexible scheduling for our employees. We also alternate on-call shifts so employees can enjoy their time off when not on call.

Work with people whose unique perspectives and talents are appreciated. Our Building and Grounds staff work together as a team to accomplish the work needed and everyone’s unique talents and contributions are valued.

The work completed by the Building and Grounds team supports museum operations. VMFA is the only art museum in the United States open 365 days a year with free general admission. Our purpose is to collect, preserve, exhibit, and interpret art and to encourage the study of the arts.

Professional Environment:
Professionalism is a key tenet in our workplace. Come create career-supportive relationships with some of the best professionals in the industry. Learn and grow with us.

All VMFA staff enjoy free admission to special exhibitions, previews of special exhibitions, employee pricing for select museum programs and classes, and discounts at Amuse, Best Café and the VMFA Shop. Employee uniforms are provided.

About the Work:
The HVAC Installation and Repair Technician/Boiler Plant Operators purpose is to develop, maintain and secure the Museum’s buildings and grounds to support its collections, education and research functions.

The HVAC Installation and Repair Technician/Boiler Plant Operator is responsible for:
• Maintaining continuous, 24-hour operation of the buildings located on the Museum’s campus by providing troubleshooting and maintenance skills for a wide variety of air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, and ventilation equipment.
• Provides a stable museum environment with strict parameters of temperature and humidity levels through the use of specialized skills and computer based Building Automation System, with “On Call” responsibilities for first response to problems or emergencies that occur after normal business hours that could disrupt or endanger the Museum’s operation, patrons, staff, or the art collections.
• When necessary, acts as Museum’s on-site coordinator with contractors to correct problems and make emergency repairs after normal working hours.
• When needed, test and maintain Life Safety Systems at the Museum consisting of Fire Suppression and Emergency Generator.

Minimum Qualifications

• Extensive knowledge of steam boiler plants and associated equipment.
• Knowledge of various types of heating, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, centrifugal chillers, low pressure steam boilers, and support equipment.
• Knowledge of temperature and humidity control and computerized building automation systems.
• Working skill in the use of HVAC diagnostic equipment and tools.
• Considerable experience in the field of commercial/industrial heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration.
• Journeyman’s license or the union equivalent of the DPOR journeyman’s card.
• Valid Virginia Driver’s License.

Additional Considerations

• High school graduate.
• Certificate of completion from accredited mechanical trades school.
• Certification from an EPA approved school for refrigerant handling (preferred).

Special Instructions

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

The selected candidate must pass a criminal history background check.

All applicants must submit an online application. This posting will remain open until filled.

Contact Information

Name: Human Resources Services

Phone: please email



In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

HVAC Installation and Repair Technician (Classified; Non-exempt)

** Please visit the Virginia Jobs site to view and apply: Click HERE

HVAC Installation and Repair Technician

Title: HVAC Installation and Repair Technician

State Role Title: Trades Technician III

Hiring Range: $60,000 – $72,000 annually

Pay Band: 3

Agency: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


Agency Website:

Recruitment Type: General Public – G

Job Duties

VMFA welcomes applications of skilled service professionals who are team-centric and positively energetic to join the museum as the HVAC Installation and Repair Technician.

This is a non-exempt position which offers Commonwealth of Virginia employee benefits such as 12 paid holidays, health benefits and more.

Why Join the Buildings and Grounds Team?

Inclusive Workplace

We are proud of our diverse workforce and vibrant art-filled surroundings. We value your strengths and experiences. Come be yourself!


Work with people whose unique perspectives and talents are appreciated. Our Building and Grounds staff work together as a team to accomplish the work needed and everyone’s unique talents and contributions are valued.


The work completed by the Building and Grounds team supports museum operations. VMFA is the only art museum in the United States open 365 days a year with free general admission. Our purpose is to collect, preserve, exhibit, and interpret art and to encourage the study of the arts.

Professional Environment

Professionalism is a key tenet in our workplace. Come create career-supportive relationships with some of the best professionals in the industry. Learn and grow with us.


All VMFA staff enjoy free admission to special exhibitions, previews of special exhibitions, employee pricing for select museum programs and classes, and discounts at Amuse, Best Café and the VMFA Shop. Employee uniforms are provided.

About the Work

The HVAC Installation and Repair Technician is responsible for developing, maintaining and securing the Museum’s buildings and grounds so as to support its collections, education, and research functions.

The HVAC Installation and Repair Technician will have:

• Knowledge of various types of heating, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, centrifugal chillers, low pressure steam boilers, and support equipment.
• Knowledge of temperature and humidity control and computerized building automation systems.
• Working skill in the use of HVAC diagnostic equipment and tools.
• The ability to be on-call on a rotating schedule.

Minimum Qualifications

• Considerable experience at mechanic level in the field of commercial/industrial heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration.
• Must have a valid Virginia Driver’s License.
• Journeyman’s license or the union equivalent of the DPOR journeyman’s card..

Additional Considerations

• Certificate of completion from an accredited school in A/C and Refrigeration.

Special Instructions

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

Selected candidates must pass a criminal history background check.

Applicants must complete an online application to be considered for this position.

Designated / Essential Staff – May be required to perform other duties related to security, safety and health as assigned (i.e. training). May be required to assist the museum or state government during inclement weather or in the event of an emergency declaration by the Governor or the Director of the Museum.

Position will remain open until filled.

Contact Information

Name: Human Resources Services

Phone: please email



In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

Security Console Associate (Wage, Non-exempt)

** Please visit our Virginia Jobs site to view and apply for this position: Apply HERE

Security Console Associate

Title: Security Console Associate

State Role Title: Security Officer II

Hiring Range: $14.70

Pay Band: 2

Agency: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


Agency Website:

Recruitment Type: General Public – G

Job Duties

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) supports an inclusive and diverse employee community. We are currently seeking applications for composed and attentive individuals to join our Security Services Department as Security Console Associates. Security Console Associates monitor security surveillance cameras and disturbance alarms, answer phones, communicate extensively with FM radio transmitters, assist Museum employees, and document the activities of the armed security force. In an event of an emergency, Security Console Associates control radio communication to ensure prompt response and operational efficiency. They act as liaisons between the security console and external agencies (fire, police, and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel). Security Console Associates gain a valuable bird’s eye view of museum operations, which also makes a perfect fit for someone considering museum career opportunities.

Benefits include:

Free coffee.

Free special exhibition tickets.

Agency employee discount for Best Café, the museum’s casual dining restaurant.

Agency employee discount for Amuse restaurant, the museum’s fine dining restaurant.

Agency employee discount for museum programs and art classes.

Agency employee discount for gift shop purchases.

This entry-level position provides a flexible schedule of up to 28 hours per week (minimum 20 hours per week), with an annual maximum of 1,450 hours (May 1 – April 30).

Minimum Qualifications

This role requires mental alertness and a keen attention to details.

Ability to use both hands and arms in reaching, handling, grasping, and fingering while using phone, notepad, writing reports, and other administrative tasks.

Ability to use eyes to observe, read, interact with public and staff, and view security monitors including hand and eye coordination.

Ability to remain constantly alert and attentive to details for assigned duties.

Ability to handle sensitive and/or confidential information.

Ability to communicate effectively, oral and written.

Ability to articulate specific security information and prepare reports.

Ability to apply mature judgments that contribute to agency goals.

Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with others.

Ability to quickly learn and use various computer applications.

Ability to work night shifts, weekends, and holidays.

Additional Considerations

Knowledge of applicable laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the responsibilities and professional conduct of unarmed and armed security officers.

Knowledge of principles, practices, and methods of loss prevention programs.

Prior experience in the security industry, law enforcement, military, or security experience in a cultural institution.

Current registration from the Department of Criminal Justice Services.

Special Instructions

You will be provided a confirmation of receipt when your application and/or résumé is submitted successfully. Please refer to “Your Application” in your account to check the status of your application for this position.

All applicants must submit an online application. This position will close at 11:55 pm on January 26, 2025.

Please contact the HR office at if you need assistance.

VMFA is an EEO/AA and Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certified Employer. Diverse and inclusive hiring practices are at the heart of what we do at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

Contact Information

Name: Human Resource Services

Phone: Please Email



In support of the Commonwealth’s commitment to inclusion, we are encouraging individuals with disabilities to apply through the Commonwealth Alternative Hiring Process. To be considered for this opportunity, applicants will need to provide their AHP Letter (formerly COD) provided by the Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services (DARS), or the Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired (DBVI). Service-Connected Veterans are encouraged to answer Veteran status questions and submit their disability documentation, if applicable, to DARS/DBVI to get their AHP Letter. Requesting an AHP Letter can be found at AHP Letter or by calling DARS at 800-552-5019.

Note: Applicants who received a Certificate of Disability from DARS or DBVI dated between April 1, 2022- February 29, 2024, can still use that COD as applicable documentation for the Alternative Hiring Process.

Information Security Officer (Classified, Exempt)

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is looking for a qualified applicant to fill the position of Information Security Officer.

Job Duties

• Provides timely and effective customer service to staff.
• Provides staff with suggestions about technology products and service alternatives that best support business strategies.
• Ensures end users receive adequate notice about change management activities.
• Seeks input from staff on a periodic basis as a means of evaluating and improving customer service.
• Advocates IT issues and concerns to the VITA SAIC IT Partnership.
• Supports VMFA’s and DHR’s commitment to provide quality customer service to visitors throughout Virginia and beyond by applying professional talents, knowledge and skill to the museum & DHR campuses and statewide partnership network, as appropriate and on location as needed.
• Create and provide training sessions as needed for IT applications and hardware.
• Perform the responsibilities of ISO in accordance with COV ITRM Standard SEC530.
• Ensure compliance with all appropriate requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia, such as ITRM Policy SEC519, ITRM Standard SEC530.
• Continuously review and update permissions for all agency applications, security groups, and distribution lists.
• Develop and update all agency IT policies and procedures.
• Plan and manage IT Audits and risk assessments.
• Monitors and promptly reports to VITA any security intrusions.
• Administer annual IT Security Awareness training to staff.
• Work with HR to ensure 100% of staff have completed the annual IT Security Awareness training annually.
• Act as Backup AITR when the agencies AITR is unavailable.
• Performs roles as primary Cardinal and eVA Security Officer
• Analyze, evaluate, and purchase necessary equipment (hardware and software) for agency needs.
• Employ use of eVA for technology procurement. Track purchases and handle returns/exchanges. Interface with vendors, IT Partnership staff, VITA, and users as necessary.
• Coordinate controlled asset tagging and surplus with agency Purchasing Officer in accordance with established IT Partnership and Finance Division procedures.
• Provide system and software administration of applications & IT hardware.
• Ensure efficient operation and integration of all desktop and server applications.
• Provide desktop, network, security, and
application support.
• Ensure agency applications and IT hardware are properly safeguarded.
• Work effectively with staff, VITA, and its contractors to resolve IT support issues.
• Promptly advises AITR of inadequate resources or inability to complete work on timely basis. Seeks clarification and asks questions when unsure of direction.
• Occasional project management of IT projects.
• Setup and installation of computers, network equipment, security hardware, and applications.
• Troubleshoot issues with computer, network hardware, security hardware, and applications.

Minimum Qualifications

Extensive knowledge in Information Technology to include a variety of software and hardware technologies. Excellent oral and written communication skills. The ability to translate computer user requirements into technical language. Strong problem-solving skills. The ability to manage overlapping, complicated projects; work independently; and learn new tasks. Knowledge of state procurement procedures, contract administration and IT policies and procedures.

Additional Considerations

Undergraduate degree in computer science, information management or related field, or an equivalent combination of training and experience.

Special Instructions

Selected candidate must pass a criminal history background check.

All candidates must submit an online application. This posting will close at 11:55 p.m. on January 27, 2025.

To apply, click on this link:

Information Security Officer – Richmond, Virginia, United States

Facility Services Associate (Classified, Non-exempt)

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is seeking attentive, flexible and energetic individuals for the position of Facility Services Associate.

Job Duties

Empties trash containers daily and washes them monthly.
Vacuums carpets in public areas daily; non-public areas semi-weekly; remove stains when needed.
Dust/mop, clean and restock restrooms daily using proper chemicals to clean and sanitize.
Stock closets weekly.
Assists with set-up and break-down for special events. This involves moving furniture as needed.
Clean housekeeping equipment daily and perform minor repairs.
Repairs furniture as needed.
Coordinates special events as needed.
Performs a variety of cleaning tasks as assigned, such as dusting and polishing furniture, organizing and stocking closets and cleaning and maintaining equipment.
Maintain housekeeping records and forms.

Minimum Qualifications

Working knowledge of cleaning methods and the use of cleaning chemicals and supplies.
Some knowledge of safety practices in using chemicals and cleaning equipment.
Working skill in the operation of power cleaning equipment such as buffers and vacuum cleaners.
Ability to perform a variety of cleaning tasks.
Ability to lift and move heavy objects.
Ability to provide and receive instructions.
Possess good written and oral communication skills.

Special Instructions

Selected candidate must pass a criminal history background check.

All candidates must complete an online application. This position will close at 11:55 p.m. on February 6, 2025.

VMFA is an EEO/AA and Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certified Employer. Diverse and inclusive hiring practices are at the heart of what we do at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

To apply for this position, click on the link below:

Facility Services Associate – Richmond, Virginia, United States