
More additions to YOUR art collection @VMFA

Pieces ranging from the painted glass work of a Virginian painting professor to a photograph documenting the visual traditions of Indian Royalty have recently been added to your art collection at the VMFA. These pieces have been brought to you through the VMFA’s privately supported acquisition program. Richard Roth, a painting professor at Virginia Commonwealth…


Red oak damage not life-threatening

After undergoing minor amputative surgery, our red oak remains standing strong. So many of you thoughtfully inquired about the damage to the VMFA red oak that occurred recently, that I wanted to describe what we found as Davey Tree, Inc. completed the arbor care and clean up.In the photo below, you will see a darkening…

Brandywine Macchia

2013 Chihuly workshop studio editions on sale

During the wildly popular Chihuly exhibition, which ended in February, his studio editions in the VMFA shop were quite a hit. We’re pleased to announce that new 2013 editions, fresh out of Chihuly’s workshop, are now available. It was the spirit of experimentation that led Dale Chihuly to work with all 300 colors available in…

Pair of Girandole Mirrors

More additions to YOUR art collection @VMFA

Through our privately funded aquisition program, VMFA regularly aquires significant pieces to be added to our permanent collection. We welcome you to visit and enjoy recent aquisitions such as these at the museum. This singular pair of girandole mirrors is a spectacular manifestation of decorative arts as sculpture. The unusual inclusion of Native American motifs—arrows,…

Processional Cross

Adding to YOUR art collection @ VMFA

VMFA is fortunate to have endowed private funds which can only be used for art acquisition. Here are some recent acquisitions currently on view in the galleries. The curators have provided insights about the objects. Elaborate processional crosses made for Ethiopian churches are often inscribed with images and lettering that deepen their message. On this…

Alex Nyerges

How are we open 365 days a year?

Recently, I was asked how we can afford to be free and open 365 days a year. My answer was simply, “How can we afford not to be?” One of the three basic tenets of our business model is accessibility. Accessibility is more than just compliance with Federal and State regulations on physical accessibility with…

Louise Brierre

A butterfly flowerbed with Victorian roots

Today, VMFA volunteers planted over 500 pots of annuals contracted by the VMFA and grown for us by Stranges Wholesale growing division in Mechanicsville.  Most are exotic, some native, and all reflect the colorful bedding planting that was the style during the late 1800’s as the world’s plants were coming to Europe and North America…

Planting tree

A growing volunteer program

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts gardening volunteers, many of whom are on the The Council of the VMFA, have been completing spring projects. Shown here (L to R) are Bob Allen, Carmella Allen, Dave Herbst, Skip Walton, Alice Higgins, Bill Cooper and Richard Lister.  The project shown is the mulching of newly planted trees along…

Couple looking at art

The welcome mat is out at VMFA

Most people do not typically see a museum as a fast-paced, dynamic and constantly evolving place.  I think the popularnotion is that museums are stale and nice places to visit for a history class. Even though I have only been here for three weeks, I can honestly say VMFA is throwing a coup d’état on…