VMFA is a #1 TripAdvisor® Attraction

Out of 97 Richmond attractions, VMFA is ranked number one on TripAdvisor. Not only is the museum itself high onTrip Advisor the list, but Amuse Restaurant ranks number three out of 1,296 Richmond restaurants. We are proud to be number one certainly for the recognition but also for what it says about the visitor experience.

Rankings on TripAdvisor are decided by the reviewers. Both the quality of reviews and the number of these reviews determine the relative ranking of an attraction. To be number one means that visitors thoroughly enjoyed their experience and they were sufficiently motivated to tell others about it. That’s an exciting qualification for any institution!

VMFA has TripAdvisor reviews from visitors of all ages and backgrounds — Richmond locals to international guests — in Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, and English. These reviews add up to a five-star or “excellent” average review, which has earned VMFA a Certificate of Excellence in 2014. Only those attractions listed for at least 12 months, which have been awarded at least four out of five stars by a minimum number of visitors and are among the top 10 percent of their category are eligible for a Certificate of Excellence. Surpassing each of those qualifications, VMFA is in the top 1 percent of Richmond attractions.

As we reflect on this recognition, it’s important to remember the mission of the museum:
The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is a state agency and a privately endowed educational institution created for the citizens of Virginia. Its purpose is to collect, preserve, exhibit, and interpret the art of world cultures from all periods of history, to encourage the study of the arts, and to enrich lives . . . Or in more down-to-earth language: It’s Your Art!

This TripAdvisor recognition is proof that we are indeed fulfilling our mission.

-Anna Gordon, Marketing Intern