Past Exhibitions in the Commonwealth

Fortune, Courage, Love: Arts of Africa’s Akan and Kuba Kingdoms

Jan 16–Mar 6, 2016
Piedmont Arts, Martinsville

A curatorial partnership between William King Museum of Art curator, Leila Cartier, and VMFA’s Curator of African Art, Richard Woodward, resulted in an exhibition that brought together art from the ancient empire of Mali, Akan kingdoms of Ghana, and the Kuba kingdom in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One of several in the works, this Statewide project developed from a seed of an idea into an exhibition that traveled to three VMFA Statewide Partner museums. Read More…


Mar 28–Jul 12, 2015
William King Museum of Art, Abingdon

Sep 26, 2015–Jan 3, 2016
Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke






VMFA Fellowship Program 75th Anniversary Exhibition “It’s a Plane”at Richmond International Airport

Jul 20th–Feb 7th
Richmond International Airport, Baggage Claims 1 & 6

In recognition of the VMFA Fellowship Program’s 75th anniversary, VMFA exhibited the work of Visual Arts Fellowship recipient Will May at Richmond International Airport in Richmond, VA. This exhibition is part of VMFA’s Statewide program, a program in which the museum shares exhibitions and programming with partner organizations throughout the Commonwealth.
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Civil War Redux: Pinhole Photographs by Willie Anne Wright


In recognition of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts presented selections from Civil War Redux: Pinhole Photographs by Willie Anne Wright, a twelve year project, by Willie Anne Wright. Read More…