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Talks and Lectures: René Magritte and the Art of Seduction
- Collection: European Art
- Culture/Region: Europe
- Subject Area: Fine Arts
- Grade Level: 8-12; Adult
Dr. Michael Taylor, Chief Curator and the Deputy Director for Art & Education Oct 29, 2017 Using perplexing juxtapositions and distortions of commonplace objects, the Belgian Surrealist artist René Magritte set out to disturb existing assumptions about rationality and the perception of reality. This lecture focuses on The Seducer, a mysterious and provocative painting in…
Get DetailsHear My Voice: Native American Art of the Past and Present
Based on the notion of dialogue, Hear My Voice: Native American Art of the Past and Present explores conversations between Native American artists and their art across centuries, a continent, and 35 indigenous cultures. A total of 56 works illustrate the ways in which Native American art speaks of a shared knowledge and shared history…
Get DetailsHear My Voice Artist Panel
- Collection: Native American Art
- Culture/Region: America
- Subject Area: Fine Arts, Visual Arts
- Grade Level: 8-12, college, adult
Molly Murphy Adams, Jeremy Frey, and Virgil Ortiz in conversation with Dr. Johanna Minich, Exhibition Curator and Consulting Curator for the Native American Collection, VMFA. This conversation features three artists whose work is in the exhibition Hear My Voice: Native American Art Past and Present. The discussion includes what these contemporary Native artists see as…
Get DetailsTake and Make: Create Your Own Parfleche Bag!
- Collection: Native American Art
- Culture/Region: America
- Subject Area: Fine Arts
- Grade Level: K-12
A parfleche bag is used to hold items like hunting supplies or personal valuables and is typically made from a rawhide and adorned with different pigmented symbolic designs. The parfleche, (French for “to turn away arrows”) pictured here was created by the Yakama people who live along the Columbia River and on the Columbian Plateau…
Get Details Download FileCommunity Conversation: Fashion, Gender Expression, and Sexuality
- Collection: American Art, Decorative Arts, European Art
- Culture/Region: America, Europe
- Subject Area: African American, Visual Arts, Women
- Grade Level: 8-12, college, adult
With Jonathan Copeland, Fashion Stylist/Merchandiser and Publishing Entrepreneur; Rae Berryman, Independent Multicultural Marketing Consultant; and Ted Lewis, Executive Director, Side by Side (formerly ROSMY) Influential designer Yves Saint Laurent challenged fashion codes around sexuality and gender expression and identity. On July 27th, Celeste Fetta, VMFA Chief Educator, joined Jon Copeland, Rae Berryman, and Ted Lewis…
Get DetailsCelebration of Photography with Beuford Smith and Shawn Walker
- Collection: African American Art, American Art, Mid to Late 20th-Century Art
- Culture/Region: America
- Subject Area: African American, Fine Arts, Visual Arts
- Grade Level: 8-12, college, adult
Watch Dr. Sarah Eckhardt, VMFA’s Associate Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, in conversation with photographers Beuford Smith and Shawn Walker, whose works are featured in the current exhibition, A Commitment to the Community: The Black Photographers Annual, Volume I. Smith, the founder and chief photography editor of The Black Photographers Annual, worked closely with…
Get DetailsCommunity Conversation: Restitution and Reunion: The Fischer Family & VMFA
- Collection: European Art
- Culture/Region: Europe
- Subject Area: Fine Arts
- Grade Level: 8-12; adult
Explore the fascinating journey of one of VMFA’s recent acquisitions. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner’s painting Sand Hills at Grünau was recently returned to the Fischer family heirs after they were able to prove that it was confiscated by the Nazis from the collection of Max Fischer. Listen to Dr. Sarah Eckhardt, VMFA Associate Curator of Modern…
Get DetailsConversation: Diversity in Fashion
- Collection: American Art, Decorative Arts, European Art
- Culture/Region: America, Europe
- Subject Area: African American, Visual Arts, Women
- Grade Level: 8-12, college, adult
Yves Saint Laurent was one of the first European designers to feature women of color as models for haute couture runway shows, which was a critical step in diversifying the fashion world. On June 15, 2017, special guest Bethann Hardison, in conversation with Dr. Lauranett Lee, explored the changing roles of racial diversity in the…
Get DetailsTake and Make: YSL Paper Dolls
- Collection: Decorative Arts
- Culture/Region: Europe
- Subject Area: Visual Arts
- Grade Level: K-12
As a teenager, designer Yves Saint Laurent made his own paper dolls by cutting out figures from magazines of famous models and creating paper outfits for them. He then staged fashion shows with the paper dolls for his sisters. Download the PDF to create your own YSL-inspired paper doll and outfit!
Get Details Download FileTalks and Lectures: The Private Life of Mrs. Rachel Lambert Mellon: Life into Art
- Collection: Decorative Arts
- Culture/Region: America
- Subject Area: Fine Arts
- Grade Level: 8-12; adult
With a laser eye, witty intelligence, and nimble hands, Rachel Lambert Mellon, known as “Bunny,” fostered her life as an art form. Mac Griswold, her biographer, shares insights on her life.
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