Let Us Now Praise Public Servants

Governor Ralph Northam has proclaimed this week Virginia Public Service Week, a time to recognize and honor state employees for their service to the Commonwealth. Public Service Recognition Week, also commemorated on a national level this week, celebrates federal, county, and local government employees as well. From medical professionals and first responders to community leaders,…

VMFA Reimagined: 10th Anniversary

This May marks ten years since the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts completed a historic expansion and grand reopening. Although we looked forward to celebrating this milestone in-person with all of you, understandably those plans and so many others have changed. First and foremost, our thoughts turn to you and to the safety and well-being…

Art for the Aspiring Traveler

As a pandemic halts even the most mundane activities outside the home, you may be reflecting on past travel opportunities with a bit of nostalgia. Whether you’ve traveled extensively, rarely, or always postponed your dreams to “some day,” you may be looking forward to the time when we can once again journey near and far…

Five Art-Related Films for In-Home Viewing

Whether you’re someone who’s staying home to practice social distancing or someone deemed essential and thereby in need of escape at the end of the work day, movies may be the perfect way to spend your free time right now. Many of us are streaming more than ever before or doing so for the first…

Books for Lovers of Reading and Art

If you’re looking for a good book to curl up with while staying home and staying safe, consider one of the following titles recommended by the VMFA Library. Featuring past selections of the VMFA Book Club and previous winners of the Art in Literature: Mary Lynn Kotz Award, this list presents a wide range of…

Celebrating African American Community Leaders Through Public Art

This video was created by Field Studio and was made possible in part by Virginia Humanities. In February 2019, VMFA unveiled RVA Community Makers, a public art project featuring portraits of eight African American community leaders. The initiative is one example of VMFA’s commitment to opening our doors to a more diverse audience. Local artist…

Access to Artists: Kay WalkingStick

Kay WalkingStick, the Cherokee painter, focuses on the American Landscape and it’s metaphorical significances not only to Native Americans but also to all of our citizenry. The landscape sustains us physically and spiritually. It is our beautiful corner of the cosmos. The varied rendering of landscape in WalkingStick’s art is the thread that weaves together…

IN OUR OWN WORDS: Native Impressions

  What led to this collaboration? D.H.: I had been out to Grand Forks several times before I officially met Lucy. My portfolio of drypoint portraits of Iraqi survivors of torture from Abu Ghraib prison was on display at the North Dakota Museum the first time I went to Grand Forks, and while I was…

What influences your fashion style?

Do you think you have what it takes to be a fashion designer? If so, what would inspire you and your designs? As part of the Yves Saint Laurent: The Perfection of Style exhibition on view through August 27, 2017, VMFA has developed a sketchbook that guides visitors to focus on six ensembles on display,…

When Art Influences Design

In 1965, Yves Saint Laurent’s mother gave him a book where the young designer discovered the modern painter Piet Mondrian. In Mondrian’s paintings, Saint Laurent saw how the rhythm of color could be combined with a bold and forceful line. He would translate this building process into a thick jersey dress, unveiled that same year.…