Antonine Portrait of a Woman (Primary Title)

Unknown (Artist)

ca. 150
Roman (Antonine)
Overall (with base): 27 1/2 × 17 1/4 × 10 in. (69.85 × 43.82 × 25.4 cm)
Overall (bust only): 21 13/16 × 17 1/4 × 10 in. (55.4 × 43.82 × 25.4 cm)

Who was this woman? We may never know, but the quality of the carving and the material indicate she was wealthy. Her hairstyle, modeled on that of Empress Faustina (reigned 138–140), indicates that she, too, lived in the mid-2nd century. Her home was probably in Egypt; the bust was once in an Egyptian collection, and its form, with a depth of only ten inches, resembles other works from Roman Egypt, where artists used imported white marble sparingly.

Arthur and Margaret Glasgow Endowment
Bronze et Or. Visages de Marc Aurele, Musee d'art ed d'histoire, Geneva, 1996. Exhibition catalog p. 71.
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC

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