Jialing River (Translation)
Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze River (Series Title)
長江萬里圖 嘉陵江 近現代 朱一雄 紙本設色
(Primary Title)
Jialing River (Donor's Title)
Zhu Yixiong (I-Hsiung Ju) 朱一雄, American, 1923 – 2012 (Artist)
Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze River is a series of sixteen scrolls exploring the landscape vistas along the Yangtze River through painting, calligraphy, and poetry. The late Washington and Lee University professor Zhu Yixiong incorporated contemporary subjects into the otherwise traditional art form. Moving eastward across China, the landscape seamlessly shifts from mountains to agrarian lowlands and modern cityscapes, featuring historic, religious, and geographical landmarks along the Yangtze.
Modern period (1912-present)
丹鋒 朱一雄 Danfeng, Zhu Yixiong
丹鋒, 朱一雄印, 丹鋒書畫
嘉陵江水空自流。 烽火連年苦流离,家園萬里歸無計。多情山下嘉陵水,載去千斛游子淚。 丙戌早春丹鋒朱一雄作
Gift of the family of I-Hsiung Ju (1923-2012)
"I-Hsiung Ju: Master of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", Beard Arts Center Gallery, Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, Indiana, September 2-30, 2013
I-Hsiung Ju's Landscape Paintings, Book III. Princeton, New Jersey: Art Farm Gallery, with The Beard Arts Center, Indiana Wesleyan University, 2014
©artist or artist’s estate
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