Ginger Jar (Primary Title)
Anthony Nelme, English, active 1681 - 1722 (Marked by)
The finely rendered, chased ornament on this vase depicts scenes from ancient Roman history and is among the best examples of such embossing known. This jar may have been one of a larger set made for display, either on a mantle or on an elaborately worked chest. Anthony Nelme, who was born and trained in London, was among those members of the Goldsmiths’ Company who complained that foreign workers were threatening the livelihood of English silversmiths, for whom such chasing was a specialty.
Jerome and Rita Gans Collection of English Silver
2018: Collecting for the Commonwealth Preserving for the Nation, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1919-2018, Winter Antiques Show, Park Avenue Armory, New York City, NY, January 18 - 26, 2018.
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