Chujo Noh Mask (Translation)
能面 中将 江户初期 出目満庸作 (Primary Title)
Deme Mitsuyasu 出目満庸, Japanese, 1577 - 1652 (Artist)
Carved from a single piece, this Noh mask shows realistic facial features and a restrained yet powerful expression. The Chujo mask is believed to be modeled after Ariwara no Narihira (AD 825–880), a poet and a middle-ranking captain (chujo) in the imperial court. Noh performances combined dancing, music, and poetry. Male actors wearing masks played both male and female roles.
Edo period (1615-1868)
Artist’s seal on reverse: 天下一友閑 (Tenkaichi Yukan) (First under Heaven, Yukan)
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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