Amulet Representing Pataikos (Primary Title)
Unknown (Artist)
The dwarf Pataikos was a manifestation of Ptah, the creator-god of Memphis. This amulet’s modeling and detail are characteristic of much larger sculptures.
Dynasty 26-30
Late Period
Kathleen Boone Samuels Memorial Fund
“Near Eastern and Far Eastern Art from the Collection of Jay C. Leff,” American Federation of the Arts Gallery (New York, NY): 4 August-29 September 1965; Flint Institute of Arts, DeWaters Art Center (Flint, MI): 28 October-18 November 1965; Milwaukee Art Museum (Milwaukee, WI): 2 December 1965-3 January 1966; The Slater Memorial Museum, The Norwich Free Academy (Norwich, CT): 17 January-7 February 1966; The Mobile Art Gallery (Mobile, AL): 21 February-14 March 1966; Wichita Art Museum (Wichita, KS): 28 March-18 April 1966; Tennessee Fine Arts Center (Nashville, TN): 6-27 June 1966; Heckscher Museum of Art (Huntington, NY): 15 August-5 September 1966; Minneapolis Institute of the Arts (Minneapolis, MN): 19 September-10 October 1966; Tampa Art Institute (Tampa, FL): 24 October-14 November 1966; Cummer Gallery of Art (Jacksonville, FL): 28 November-19 December 1966; Allentown Art Museum (Allentown, PA): 3 January-24 January 1967; Dulin Gallery of Art (Knoxville, TN): 7 February-1 March 1967; George Thomas Hunter Gallery, Chattanooga Art Association (Chattanooga, TN): 14 March-4 April 1967; Cheney Cowles Memorial Museum (Spokane, WA): 18 April-9 May 1967; M.H. De Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco, CA): 23 May-13 June 1967.
“Exotic Art from Ancient and Primitive Civilizations: Collection of Jay C. Leff,” Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, PA): 15 October 1959-3 January 1960.
“Exotic Art from Ancient and Primitive Civilizations: Collection of Jay C. Leff,” Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, PA): 15 October 1959-3 January 1960.
By 1959, Jay C. Leff, Uniontown, PA [1925 – 2000]. [1] May 1981, Leon Pomerance, New York [1907 – 1988]. [2] May 1984 (Robert Hecht, Paris); [3] purchased by Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), Richmond; accessioned into VMFA collection May 16, 1984. [4]
[1] Jay C. Leff, collector of ancient art, owned this work by October of 1959 when it was featured in an exhibition: “Exotic Art from Ancient and Primitive Civilizations: Collection of Jay C. Leff,” Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, PA): 15 October 1959-3 January 1960, No. 32. He owned it until May 9, 1969, when it was sold through Parke-Bernet Galleries in New York.
[2] Leon Pomerance, collector of ancient art, owned this work by May 22, 1981, when this object was included in a sale of his collection at Sotheby’s, New York.
[3] It is possible Robert Hecht acquired this object in 1981 from the May 1981 Sotheby’s sale but it has not been confirmed.
[4] Information in VMFA Curatorial and Registration records.
[1] Jay C. Leff, collector of ancient art, owned this work by October of 1959 when it was featured in an exhibition: “Exotic Art from Ancient and Primitive Civilizations: Collection of Jay C. Leff,” Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh, PA): 15 October 1959-3 January 1960, No. 32. He owned it until May 9, 1969, when it was sold through Parke-Bernet Galleries in New York.
[2] Leon Pomerance, collector of ancient art, owned this work by May 22, 1981, when this object was included in a sale of his collection at Sotheby’s, New York.
[3] It is possible Robert Hecht acquired this object in 1981 from the May 1981 Sotheby’s sale but it has not been confirmed.
[4] Information in VMFA Curatorial and Registration records.
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Some object records are not complete and do not reflect VMFA's full and current knowledge. VMFA makes routine updates as records are reviewed and enhanced.