oil on panel
Overall: 78 × 117 in. (198.12 × 297.18 cm)

"Reality is a trap and I do not pretend to recreate it. Far from it! It is the opposite, it is another reality, it is a painted reality."—Jean Olivier Hucleux

A pioneer of realism in Europe but little known today, Hucleux struggled with his gift for accurately translating the visible world onto canvas. The clarity and precision of his paintings made them appear to be photographic, as if produced mechanically, without an artist’s hand. Though close observation of his work reveals the use of brushes, airbrush, and stencils, Hucleux embraced the seeming erasure of the artist with monklike humility.

Hucleux began the Cemeteries series in 1971 and exhibited the works to acclaim that year at Documenta, the international contemporary exhibition in Kassel, Germany. As renderings of minute detail across expansive surfaces, these works combine ordinariness with an almost mystical stillness—fitting for their subject.

not signed
Gift of Sydney and Frances Lewis
Copie Conforme?: John de Andrea, Chuck Close, Jean Olivier Hucleux, Musee National de l'Arte Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, April 18 – June 11, 1979

Monumente, Stadtische Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 26 – August 12, 1973
Collection of the artist, Andresy, France; Purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Sydney and Frances Lewis, Virginia, in May of 1973; Gift to Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA), Richmond, Virginia in December 1985.
©artist or artist’s estate

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