Book Publisher Stamp: typed "Photographer/Description", written in black ink "Adger Cowans"/ typed "ILLUS. NO.", written in black ink "103", typed "MS. PAGE", written in black ink "126", typed "BOOK PAGE", written in black ink "133", typed "FOCUS", written in black ink "Adger Cowans". Written in black ink: "Book Title: The Sweet Breath of Life".
Orange Post-It attached to verso with "#103" written in black ink.
Inscribed in black ink on verso: "Little Flower Church/ Adger".
Inscribed in graphite in lower left corner verso: "94".
Aldine S. Hartman Endowment Fund
2018: "Truthful Witnessing: The Black Photographers Annual, Volume 3", VMFA, May 12 - October 14, 2018
"Working Together: Louis Draper and the Kamoinge Workshop", VMFA, February 1, 2020 - June 14, 2020
"Working Together: Louis Draper and the Kamoinge Workshop", VMFA, February 1, 2020 - June 14, 2020
© Adger Cowan
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