Eight-Character Couplet in Standard Script (Translation)
行楷灑金紅箋八言對聯 近现代 沈衛 (Primary Title)
Shen Wei 沈衛, Chinese, 1862 - 1945 (Artist)
Modern period (1912-present)
沈衛 Shen Wei
沈衛八十後書 Shen Wei bashi hou shu (Written by Shen Wei after eighty)
畫日濡毫淩雲授簡,粲花著論積葉肆書。 永儒仁兄先生雅正,秀水八十老人沈衛
Arthur and Margaret Glasgow Endowment and partial gift of Y.T. Bay Collection
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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