Stamped with monogram: entwined initials GH;
Inscribed on back: G. Hoentschel/ 15 Cite du Retiro/Paris
Arthur and Margaret Glasgow Endowment, Gift of Mrs. Alfred DuPont, by exchange, and Sydney and Frances Lewis Endowment Fund
This basin, and the other known example (private collection), was almost certainly made in Hoentschel’s studio at the Chateau de Montriveau near Saint-Amand-en-Puisaye (a commune in the Nièvre department in central France). One was displayed in the Salon des Grès (or Salle de la Céramique) in Hoentschel’s pavilion of the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs at the Paris World’s Fair (Exposition Universelle) (1900). The salon was reserved exclusively for ceramics executed under Hoentschel’s guidance. The use of stoneware, or “grès,” for these ceramics was a material that he was most likely introduced to by his close friend and collaborator, the highly talented sculptor and ceramicist Jean Carriès.
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