Engraved (glass): Emile Gallé / En sa Cristallerie / de Nancy / fect
Marked (silver): symbol (poincon) for partnership of Germain Bapst and Lucien Falize
John and Maria Shugars Fund, Sydney and Frances Lewis Endowment Fund, and Swenson Art Nouveau Fund
Possibly exhibited at the Salon of the Société des Artistes Français, Champs-Elysées, Paris, 1896 (Decorative Arts Section);
Harrison, Stephen, Artistic Luxury. Fabergé, Tiffany, Lalique, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Ohio (Oct 19, 2008-Jan. 18, 2009); Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Feb. 7, 2009-May 31, 2009, rep. p. 110 (full page color ill.)
Possibly exhibited at the Salon of the Société des Artistes Français, Champs-Elysées, Paris, 1896 (Decorative Arts Section);
Harrison, Stephen, Artistic Luxury. Fabergé, Tiffany, Lalique, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Ohio (Oct 19, 2008-Jan. 18, 2009); Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Feb. 7, 2009-May 31, 2009, rep. p. 110 (full page color ill.)
Some object records are not complete and do not reflect VMFA's full and current knowledge. VMFA makes routine updates as records are reviewed and enhanced.