Black-figure Lekythos (Primary Title)
Attributed to the circle of the, Python Painter (Artist)
The black-figure technique had mostly fallen into disuse by the early 5th century BC, except for certain vase types. In 4th-century Apulia, however, the technique was revived for reasons that remain unclear. Only a small number of these vases survive, and their restrained decoration and palette sharply contrast with the exuberance of South Italian red-figure vases.
Kathleen Boone Samuels Memorial Fund and Jack and Mary Ann Frable Fund
Exhibited: "The William A. Clark Collection; Treasures of a Copper King," Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Montana: May 6 - July 30, 1989; Montana Historical Society, Helene, Montana: August 15 - October 7, 1989.
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