Untitled (Primary Title)
Untitled [Black Muslims and Police Officer] (Alternate Title)

Louis Draper, American, 1935 - 2002 (Artist)

ca. 1960s
Works On Paper
Gelatin silver print
United States
Sheet: 8 9/16 × 9 13/16 in. (21.75 × 24.92 cm)
Image: 8 1/4 × 9 1/2 in. (20.96 × 24.13 cm)
Mat: 16 × 20 in. (40.64 × 50.8 cm)
Not on view
Gift of Louis H. Draper Trust
Signs of Protest: Photographs from the Civil Rights Era, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, January 11 - September 7, 2014

Working Together: Louis Draper and the Kamoinge Workshop, VMFA, February 1 - June 14, 2020; Whitney Museum of American Art, November 20, 2020 - March 28, 2021; Cincinnati Art Museum, February - May, 2022; J. Paul Getty Museum, July-October, 2022
©artist or artist’s estate

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