Red-figure Squat Lekythos (Storage Vessel) (Primary Title)
attributed to, Felton Painter, Greek, active in Apulia, ca. 395-ca. 365 BC (Artist)
Eros, who is the most beautiful of the deathless gods, loosens the limbs and overpowers reason and good counsel in the hearts of all gods and men. —Hesiod, Theogony
In this garden scene, Eros, the mischievous god of desire, flies toward a woman attended by a youth and young woman holding a parasol.
The elegant painting exemplifies the early ornate style of Apulian vases. Like many Apulian works, this vessel was potted on a larger scale than similar Attic vases, suggesting that it was made as a tomb or temple dedication rather than for daily use.
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