Oluweri and Yemoja (Primary Title)

Gabriel Sunday Tenabe, Nigerian, b. 1941 (Artist)

oil on Masonite
23 × 17 in. (58.42 × 43.18 cm) [TBC]
1. The painting is signed and dated on the front ( lower left corner in black paint): “Sunday Tenabe / 1968” 2. On the back of the masonite panel, upside-down in the upper-middle right (handwritten black pen?): “Oluweri – Ocean Queen / By Sunday Tenabe / 1966”
Labels and Inscriptions: On the bottom and right wooden members of the liner/slip frame: “428” On the top left of the back of the frame: “C2014.11 / E of Y 2014 [illegible]”
Gift of Terence and Rosemary Finegan in memory of Elizabeth and Harold Finegan
© Gabriel Sunday Tenabe

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