Window (for Darwin Martin residence, Buffalo, New York) (Primary Title)
Frank Lloyd Wright, American, 1867 - 1959 (Designer)
Linden Glass Company, American, Chicago, Illinois, 1890 - 1934 (Manufacturer)
Matthews Brothers Furniture Company (Woodworkers)
Darwin Martin, vice president of the Larkin Soap Company, commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design a house and furnishings for him in Buffalo. The house, constructed between 1903 and 1905, is considered one of Wright’s early architectural triumphs and the windows among the most successful examples of his career. Inspired by Japanese art, this window consists of three stylized plant forms branching out in a diagonal geometric pattern. The wood frame was created by the Matthews Brothers Furniture Company, active in Milwaukee from 1857 to 1937.
Gift of the Sydney and Frances Lewis Foundation
©artist or artist’s estate
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