Hydrangea Blossoms (Translation)
綉球花開圖 近現代 陳紹強 紙本設色 (Primary Title)
Shaoqiang Chen, American, born China, 1981 (Artist)
Inspired by hydrangeas at Richmond’s own Maymont park, local artist Shaoqiang Chen depicts a natural scene and transcribes a prose written by Zhang Yan (1248-1320), in which the poet praises the beauty of flowers and the harmony between man and nature. Chen, who studied painting and calligraphy in Guangxi Province, China, specializes in landscape painting, botanic scenes, and seal carving.
Modern period (1912-present)
缶痴 Fouchi
Six artist's seals: 紹強 Shaoqiang, 賞心堂書畫印 shangxintang shuhua yin (seal of Chinese painting and calligraphy of the Delight Studio), 右貼齋 Youtie Studio, 事在人為 shizai renwei (Where there is a will, there is a way),缶痴 Fouchi,偶是缶廬粉絲 ou shi Foulu fensi (I am a fan of Foulu [Wu Changshuo])
A prose of Yuhudie 玉蝴蝶 by Zhang Yan (张炎, 1248-1320), transcribed by the artist, signed and dated: 留得一團和氣,此花開盡,春已規圓。虛白窗深,恍訝碧落星懸。揚芳叢、低翻雪羽,凝素艷、爭簇冰蟬。向西園。幾回錯認,明月秋千。 欲覓生香何處,盈盈一水,空對娟娟。待折歸來,倩誰偷解玉連環。試結取、鴛鴦錦帶,好移傍、鸚鵡珠帘。晚階前。落梅無數,因甚啼鵑。歲次甲午夏日余游美國里士滿市梅蒙特公園 見繡球花盛開大愛 后識於賞心堂 缶痴年三十二。
Gift of the artist
85th Annual Juried Open Exhibition, National Art League, Douglaston, NY, 2015
34th International Juried Watermedia Exhibition, Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth, TX, 2015
Annual National Juried Art Exhibition, Academy of Fine Art, Ann White Academy Gallery, Lynchburg, VA 2014
National Society of Artists 30th National Juried Art Show, National Society of Artists, Art League of Baytown, Baytown, TX, 2014
Flora, International Jury Art Exhibition, Linus Galleries, Pasadena, CA, 2014
Keep Virginia Beautiful 60 Anniversary Gala (KVB 60), Virginia Museum of Fine Art, 2013
34th International Juried Watermedia Exhibition, Society of Watercolor Artists, Fort Worth, TX, 2015
Annual National Juried Art Exhibition, Academy of Fine Art, Ann White Academy Gallery, Lynchburg, VA 2014
National Society of Artists 30th National Juried Art Show, National Society of Artists, Art League of Baytown, Baytown, TX, 2014
Flora, International Jury Art Exhibition, Linus Galleries, Pasadena, CA, 2014
Keep Virginia Beautiful 60 Anniversary Gala (KVB 60), Virginia Museum of Fine Art, 2013
©artist or artist’s estate
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