Head of Priest (Primary Title)
Unknown (Artist)
This sculpture shows a young man with a shaved head, indicating that he is a priest. In order to approach their gods, Egyptians believed they had to be ritually pure and therefore bathed, shaved, and restricted their diets and activities while in service to a temple. This work and the adjacent head showing a youth with a tightly fitting cap are both carved from veined granite and highly polished, features which, like their smiles, are characteristic of Late-Period art.
30 - 31 Dynasty
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund
2018: Collecting for the Commonwealth Preserving for the Nation, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1919-2018, Winter Antiques Show, Park Avenue Armory, New York City, NY, January 18 - 26, 2018.
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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