Champ de Courses a Deauville (Primary Title)
Racecourse at Deauville (Translation)
Raoul Dufy, French, 1877 - 1953 (Artist)
Deauville, the epicenter of the largest horse breeding area in France, celebrates its equestrian industry at the La Touques racecourse. Dufy’s representation of the famous track proudly portrays the scenic countryside and the pageantry of the race through the spectator’s vantage point. Dufy was one of the innovators of the Fauve style in the first decade of the 20th Century. He later moderated the “savageness” of that movement, yet remained a firm adherent to the separation of color and line.
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon
"The French Horse from Géricault to Picasso: Works from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts", The National Sporting Library & Museum, May 6 - July 31, 2016
"The French Horse from Géricault to Picasso: Works from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts", University of Richmond, March 3 - April 25, 2016
Corot to Cezanne: French Drawings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, VMFA, September 11, 2010-January 2, 2011.
"European Modern: Master Artists from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts", VMFA Statewide Exhibition, William King Museum, Abingdon, Virginia, August 23, 2013 to January 5, 2014.
"The French Horse from Géricault to Picasso: Works from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts", University of Richmond, March 3 - April 25, 2016
Corot to Cezanne: French Drawings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, VMFA, September 11, 2010-January 2, 2011.
"European Modern: Master Artists from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts", VMFA Statewide Exhibition, William King Museum, Abingdon, Virginia, August 23, 2013 to January 5, 2014.
©artist or artist’s estate
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