May 16, 1981
Works On Paper
Enamel and graphite on paper
Sheet: 11 7/16 × 25 1/8 in. (29.05 × 63.82 cm)
Framed: 14 1/2 × 25 1/2 in. (36.83 × 64.77 cm)

Fifty Works for Fifty States: In 2008, in a unique partnership with the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Vogels distributed twenty-five hundred works across the country, giving fifty works to one art museum in each of the fifty states. This exhibition, The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States, showcases the fifty works VMFA received as part of that initiative, which bears the same title. As a diverse and rich body of work, the Vogels' generous giftattests to their passion and commitment to sharing contemporary art with the public.

Charles Clough The Vogels collected over six hundred works by Clough over several decades. The title of the Clough painting in this exhibition, The Fast Recovery for Herbie, is one of many direct references in the collection to either Herb or Dorothy-a reflection of their close relationships with artists. Using appropriation as a critical technique, Clough often began his early works by painting over reproductions of historical masterpieces, creating a dialogue with previous artists and movements, especially Abstract Expressionism. From the mid-1980s to the 1990s, Clough painted directly on paper or board. He introduced mechanical devices, however, todistance his hand from the work. Known for his humor, Clough devised a large, round sponge attached to a long stick and titled it "the big finger."

Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States
The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, July 27 - October 20, 2013
© Charles Clough

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