Frau mit Hund I (Primary Title)
Woman with Dog I (Translation)
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, German, 1880-1938 (Artist)
Kirchner was a leading member of the expressionist group Die Brücke (The Bridge), which was active in early 20thcentury Germany. His major preoccupation during that time was the urban milieu and the frenetic residents of Dresden and later Berlin.Woman with Dog 1 shows a modern young Berlin woman dressed in a flamboyant hat and luxurious furlined jacket. She proudly includes her furry and precocious friend in her portrait. The artist and sitter leave little doubt that the dog seated in the woman’s lap is both a treasured companion and an important part of her fashionable identity.
"Domestic, Wild, Divine: Artists Look at Animals" 11/21/2012 - 09/04/2013
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