Winter Landscape with Birds (Translation)
冬景小禽図屏風 明治時代 國井應陽 二曲一面 紙本金地着色 (Primary Title)
Kunii Oyo, Japanese, 1868 - 1923 (Artist)
Maruyama School 円山派
Meiji period (1868-1912)
應陽 Ōyō
應陽之印 Ōyō no in, 子靜氏 Shisei uji
明治庚子睦月寫應陽 (Painted by Ōyō, January 1900, Meiji period).
Gift of Charles L. Vincent in honor of Mary K. Vincent and in celebration of VMFA's 75th anniversary
Image released via Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
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